Discover our luxurious hide leather tiles for floor and wall applications. Enjoy the feel of walking on leather and the warmth ambiance it creates. The beauty of hide leather tiles is that a natural patina will develop over time confirming the statement;
Leather is a classic, it's here to stay!
EcoDomo®' s full top-grain hide leather tiles are made with premium grade segments of a hide. Our Milano leather tiles are dyed thoroughly for durability and appearance and finished with a special treatment for a guaranteed longevity. Our leather tiles will last for decades and have been installed in multiple commercial and residential environments

Suitable for floors, walls, and furniture applications
Applicable for light commercial and residential environments
Rapid delivery in standard sizes; 9" x 18" - 12" x 12" - 18" x 18"
Multiple custom options for size, texture, and finishes
Contact us for additional customization options

Limitless design with leather is possible with EcoDomo®! Featured on your left are our Milano Collection leather floors. The Milano Collection is made with only certain sections of the hides for maximum durability and wear. Designed to develop a patina over time, our Milano Collection offers an authentic luxury finish that will create character over time.
Rethink Leather.